Paula Curran, a history major, was one of three students in the Bascom Honors program who spent a semester abroad at Oxford University in England. She had the opportunity to develop a broader understanding of the world, different cultures and themselves, thanks to the Mother Marion Bascom Honors Scholarship Fund.

Located in the heart of the metropolitan St. Louis region, Maryville University provides opportunities for history internships in many of its museums, archives and libraries including:
• Missouri History Museum
• St. Louis Art Museum
• Gateway Arch National Park
• The State Historical Society of Missouri

Amy Gangloff, adjunct professor of history, earned her PhD in history at Stony Brook University with a specialization in medical history. She has taught in New York and in Mississippi before moving to the St. Louis. She teaches a diverse array of courses, including Medicine: Plague to Penicillin, and Pirates, Prices, and Popes: The Medici and Early Modern Europe.